Trowel Filling: Cracks in Your Hardwood Floors
Cracks in your hardwood floors can be extremely frustrating. When covering them with rugs and furniture can no longer be a solution, don't give up hope and think that you need to completely reinstall new hardwood floors. Your solution to neat and tidy floors can be as simple as getting a sanding job done with trowel filling in the process.
What is trowel filling?
This technique includes putting wood filler on the floor, adding more and more as the process continues and more square feet needs to be covered. Next, the trowel is used to spread out the filler a few feet in either direction in a backwards motion. Once the filler is spread over the entire floor every crack will be filled and your hardwood floors will look polished. Problem solved!
Is trowel filling a permanent solution?
While trowel filling is a great solution, there is no guarantee that gaps won't appear again in your hardwood floors over time. Seasons continually change, and so does your floor. Be patient during seasonal changes because cracks sometimes do appear in the winter and disappear in the summer due to humidity levels.
If you've noticed cracks in your floor and want that problem solved, schedule a hardwood flooring project with us via our contact page. We look forward to working with you!
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