Ways You Are Ruining Your Hardwood Floors, Without Even Knowing It
The last thing anyone wants to do is ruin their beautiful hardwood floors. But, what if you were destroying them and you didn't even know? Over time that could be detrimental to your floors and therefore your wallet. It's best to know all the possible ways hardwood floors can get ruined so you're prepared to fend against any dent or scuff mark. Now it's time to dive into the ways you might be ruining your floors without even knowing it, and how to prevent further damage!
Your Shoes Can Be Your Floors Worst Enemy
Stones, grit, and sand stick to the bottom of your shoes making walking with them on your hardwood floors a big no no. Not only could that scratch your floors but it could track in outside elements like rain and dirt that could ruin your flooring further. An easy way to fix this problem is putting a shoe mat, or rack by your door to encourage taking off your shoes. Also, never let high heel shoes touch your hardwood floors. The heel can leave terrible dents that need repairing. If you need to put them on in the house, try your best to only walk on carpeting or rugs.
Using The Wrong Type Of Cleaner Can Hurt Instead Of Help
Are you mopping your hardwood floors with a lot of water? That can end up damaging them! Try not to use water at all while cleaning your hardwood floors, but if it's a must, use as little as possible. Also try to stay away from cleaners with heavy chemicals or wax, which can build up on your floors making them harder to refinish in the future.
Don't Let Your Beautiful Furniture Turn Your Floors Ugly
Furniture padding is your best friend! All the furniture that gets put on your floors should have padding on the bottom. This will guarantee that when your furniture gets moved around the bases aren't scratching your floors. Pro tip: this can also be said for decorations on hardwood tables you have around the house. Putting padding under them can keep your tables looking new for longer.
Regular Maintenance Isn't Annoying, It's Liberating
Maintaining your floors at the right point could seem like a lot of work in the moment, but it could save you a lot of headache in the long run, especially in high traffic areas within your home. Don't wait too long to refinish your hardwood floors. The key is to find a flooring company, like Plus Hardwood Flooring, that will make the process painless for you!
And as always, if you'd like to schedule a hardwood flooring project with us, feel free to contact us via our contact page. We look forward to working with you!
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