Everything You Need to Know About Water Damage and Your Hardwood Floors

Flooding or excess water all over your hardwood flooring in your home? Don't worry, we've created a complete guide on water damage. Below we discuss the signs of water damage, how to possibly clean and save your floors, as well as when to know if it's time for replacement or repair.


How Do You Know If Your Floors Have Water Damage?

  • There is mold growth on your floors

  • If the boards are lifting at the ends, cupping, or buckling

  • Nails are popping out

  • There is staining and discoloration

Ways To Save Your Hardwood Floors

Time is important, the quicker you can attend to your wet floors the better. First things first, you want to start pulling the water off your floors as fast as possible. You can do this with just about any heavy duty industrial vacuum. After that, you need to keep in mind that it's the combination of the water and the dirt around your floors that results in mold, so scrub the floors with a stiff brush and some disinfectant. 

Time To Assess The Damage

The damage of your hardwood floors ranges when it comes to water damage. How long the floor has been exposed to water, what kind of wood the floors are, and the floor finish can all play a big part in how damaged your floors get. Normally if the damage is minor certain boards or areas can be repaired with sanding and finishing. But, if the damage is too severe and there is excess mold, discoloration, and board lifting it's time for replacement. 

If you need someone to check out the damage for you feel free to contact us via our contact page. We look forward to helping you out. 


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